Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Lecture by Professor Kjar

Grey Dagger Caterpillar. Nutmeg66. Sept. 11, 2008. Online Image. flickr.com. March 30, 2010.

Professor Kjar gave an interesting lecture about evolution. Through out the years I have studied evolution, but from Professor Kjar's lecture we were given a new look on evolution. He talked about the common misconceptions that people have. There were some that took me by surprise. Most people thought that rats were around long before humans, but in the lecture he showed a timeline that showed that rats were around after humans. I have to admit that I would have thought that rats had evolved before humans. What I found most interesting was the caterpillar that ate the wasp nest until the wasps are born. I had never heard of anything like this before the lecture. The lecture was important to what we were learning about because it gave a better understanding of the way that other species other than humans have evolved. There was a lot that I learned about evolution, although I did not think there was much more to learn going into it.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Blade Runner

                                                                                Li'd. Deckard & Rachel. June 27, 2009. Online Image. flickr.com. March 3, 2010.
1. In the movie I noticed that everything was always dark. The rooms and even the sky was always dark, and it was always raining. The building that people worked in were very large. They are much bigger and different shaped then a lot of the buildings today. The houses seemed to be mostly run down. It made me think that the people that were living there were not really happy. They seemed to be the outcasts of the time.

6. It is important that people are treated equally. It would not be right to treat something that has the same feelings as humans have any differently. The only way that it would be OK to have the  replicants do labor if they did not have any sense of feelings. It would also work if they did not really have any memory that would know certain things. If they only knew the tasks that they were supposed to preform. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dr. Kapasula's Lecture

Felipe Beiza. Sasha Fierce. 25 May 2009. Online Image. Flikr.com. 9 March 2010.

I thought that Dr. Kapasula presented a great lecture. It was a lot of fun and she was good at keeping everyone interested. In the lecture she  showed a video of Beyonce's song "single ladies". I will agree with her that I like the song, and I would never have understood what she was actually saying in the song if I had not payed close attention. It was interesting to know that girls even talk themselves down like that. In her song she is calling a women an "it". What I thought was most interesting was that back in Africa when the article headline had a quote from the song. saying that he put a ring on "it". I was shocked to hear that they were allowed to use that word to describe a women in a newspaper. In connection to order and chaos I thought that even though women have gained equal rights to men that there are still problems in the system where women are really not treated equally. The lecture can be compared to The Burial at Thebes because although Antigone is her own person she is still ruled my Creon and he made the decision that she should be killed for what she had done. 

Professor Joe Lemak's lecture

The Burial At Thebes. Seamus Heaney. 2010. Online Image. flicker.com. 9 March 2010.

From listening to Professor Lemak's lecture I learned a lot more about the Burial at Thebes. This lecture gave me a better understanding of the culture of the time. It is a hard thing to balance social justice with moral authority. For Antigone she just wanted what was right for her brother and her family. It was important to her that her brother had a proper burial, but King Creon was just doing what he thought was right and that was to punish her for what she had done. If Creon let her get away with what she had done then Creon wouldn't look like he is doing his job. Although it was Creon's responsibility to kill Antigone for what she had done, there is still justice that she just wanted her brother to have a proper burial. The relationship between freedom and power is that with power you have all the freedom that you want to do anything. With Creon's freedom and power he could make the decision to not kill Antigone. A leader is someone that respects the rules, but he is also willing to hear what people have to say. In Creon's defense it was a law in the time that if you kill someone that you are not allowed a proper burial. Creon was only doing what he is asked to do as a leader.