Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dr. Kapasula's Lecture

Felipe Beiza. Sasha Fierce. 25 May 2009. Online Image. Flikr.com. 9 March 2010.

I thought that Dr. Kapasula presented a great lecture. It was a lot of fun and she was good at keeping everyone interested. In the lecture she  showed a video of Beyonce's song "single ladies". I will agree with her that I like the song, and I would never have understood what she was actually saying in the song if I had not payed close attention. It was interesting to know that girls even talk themselves down like that. In her song she is calling a women an "it". What I thought was most interesting was that back in Africa when the article headline had a quote from the song. saying that he put a ring on "it". I was shocked to hear that they were allowed to use that word to describe a women in a newspaper. In connection to order and chaos I thought that even though women have gained equal rights to men that there are still problems in the system where women are really not treated equally. The lecture can be compared to The Burial at Thebes because although Antigone is her own person she is still ruled my Creon and he made the decision that she should be killed for what she had done. 

1 comment:

  1. You make a good point. We as cultural consumers need to pay close attention to the language we hear.
