Sunday, January 24, 2010

Night: Compare and Contrast Job and Wiesel

In Elie and Job's life they both believed in God and never did anything wrong to deserve what they got. Although they both received different kinds of pain, it was still a horrible thing to live with. The suffering that Elie Wiesel went through was a lot different from the suffering that Job went through. Job lost everything, but in the end he gets his family and everything he lost back plus more. When Elie made it out of the Concentration camp he didn't have anything except for himself. He had lost all faith. Nothing mattered to him anymore. His father was gone and even when he made it out of the camp he still felt all the pain and suffering that he didn't deserve. They were both suffering and even if they prayed to God nothing good came from it. Even if things suddenly turned around for Job and Elie they still had to live their life knowing everything that happened to them in the past.

Professor Dennis's Lecture

After watching Professor Dennis's presentation i found it shocking how much artwork that was created by the Jew's in the concentration camps. Every time I do a lesson about the Holocaust in school it always frustrates me and really disappoints me that this went on, and after seeing Professor Dennis's reaction to his presentation after giving it over 60 times I understand that he feels the same way. It is no easier to give that speech the 40th time then it was the first time he gave it. I also think it is good for us to learn about what went on in the Holocaust so we can prevent anything like that from ever happening again.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Reflection on lecture by Professor Kather

From listening to the presentation I learned that you can learn a lot about the The Book of Job from analyzing the photo's. There were a lot of interesting points that were brought up that I had not noticed while reading. The point that I found most interesting was that Job did everything because it was the right thing to do and not because he wanted to help people. Job would give money to the poor people because he knew that it would make him look better. The real reason that Job should be giving is because he wants to help people. When this point was brought up it made me wonder if Job may have deserved some of the pain that he went through. It is not right to pretend you care about things just to make yourself look better. 

Reflection on second half of Job

Can Job be compensated for his losses as the conclusion of the story suggests?
I don't think that Job can really be compensated for everything that happened to him. Even if Job gets everything back that he had lost he still has to live every day of the rest of his life remembering all the suffering that he went through. He may say to his friends that everything is now back to normal, but after all the pain that he went through he will always be reminded of it when he thinks of God. For the rest of his life he will always have to think about every little thing that he does. Constantly Job will be thinking that if he does one thing wrong then God will put him though the same misery that he went through before. It could be good that Job has to think before he acts, but is it worth living if you are in constant fear that you will make the wrong choice?