Sunday, January 17, 2010

Reflection on second half of Job

Can Job be compensated for his losses as the conclusion of the story suggests?
I don't think that Job can really be compensated for everything that happened to him. Even if Job gets everything back that he had lost he still has to live every day of the rest of his life remembering all the suffering that he went through. He may say to his friends that everything is now back to normal, but after all the pain that he went through he will always be reminded of it when he thinks of God. For the rest of his life he will always have to think about every little thing that he does. Constantly Job will be thinking that if he does one thing wrong then God will put him though the same misery that he went through before. It could be good that Job has to think before he acts, but is it worth living if you are in constant fear that you will make the wrong choice?


  1. I agree, I think Job will never forget the pain he suffered, and he may feel fear when he is going to take an action.
    I think it is a harsh situation for Job. Job did not do something bad before God took everything away from him. He might learn how painful to undergo hard situations, but God did not need to do this to him since Job was already able to think before he acts...

  2. I too agree with what Lindsey had to say. Jobs suffering is something that we can all relate to. Most likely not as extreme a suffering that Job went through but we've all been through some type of hard ship that now makes us think twice.
