Sunday, January 17, 2010

Reflection on lecture by Professor Kather

From listening to the presentation I learned that you can learn a lot about the The Book of Job from analyzing the photo's. There were a lot of interesting points that were brought up that I had not noticed while reading. The point that I found most interesting was that Job did everything because it was the right thing to do and not because he wanted to help people. Job would give money to the poor people because he knew that it would make him look better. The real reason that Job should be giving is because he wants to help people. When this point was brought up it made me wonder if Job may have deserved some of the pain that he went through. It is not right to pretend you care about things just to make yourself look better. 

1 comment:

  1. I also found it interesting that Job was performing good deeds because it was the right thing to do and not out of complete want to help people who were less fortuneate than himself. If it wasn't for Prof. Kather's lecture I would have assumed that Job was wholey innocent.
