Sunday, January 24, 2010

Night: Compare and Contrast Job and Wiesel

In Elie and Job's life they both believed in God and never did anything wrong to deserve what they got. Although they both received different kinds of pain, it was still a horrible thing to live with. The suffering that Elie Wiesel went through was a lot different from the suffering that Job went through. Job lost everything, but in the end he gets his family and everything he lost back plus more. When Elie made it out of the Concentration camp he didn't have anything except for himself. He had lost all faith. Nothing mattered to him anymore. His father was gone and even when he made it out of the camp he still felt all the pain and suffering that he didn't deserve. They were both suffering and even if they prayed to God nothing good came from it. Even if things suddenly turned around for Job and Elie they still had to live their life knowing everything that happened to them in the past.


  1. The fact that Job recieved everything back in the end doubled and Elie did not is one difference that I do not think I made. Silly me.
    I agree with you. God actually spoke to Job and told him why he was doing what he did and then gave him everything he once owned doubled.
    Elie on the other hand had no heart to heart with God, and came out in the end with only his life, and that was just barely.

  2. I agree. Wiesel had it much worse than Job and he never got rewarded for surviving the Holocaust like Job did.

  3. I totally agree, Job's suffering was not nearly as bad as Wiesel's suffering had been. Wiesel had to watch his father die in front of him along with many many others in the concentration camps. And like you said, Job's possessions were doubled in the end, and Wiesel was left with nothing at all
