Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Professor Lovett's Lecture of The Brain

Hurleygurley. The Lime Jello Brain. 06 February 2005. Online Image. Flikr. 02 February 2010.

From going to Professor Lovett's lecture I was able to learn a lot about the brain that I didn't know. I have taken psychology class, and I have learned all of the functions of the brain. Going to the lecture taught me all of the ways that the brain can be damaged and make a person different. What I thought was interesting was the man that had the rod go through his frontal lobe. You would think that it hit his brain and he died, but it shocked me to hear that he lived and he is fine except his personality has completely changed. He is now like a different person. The frontal lobe controls the personality. I have learned a lot about the "self" in this past week of class. From Franklin's article I learned that you need to come up with a list of virtues and fix all of your problems. From the brain video and the lecture I learned that you might think you know one's self, but it can change instantly when your personality is changed.

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