Tuesday, February 2, 2010


In Franklins reading he said that in order to find the self you must improve all of your faults until they are no longer faults. I think that this is the wrong way to do it. If you concentrate on one thing that you want to change then you will have a lot more success. If people try to fix all of their problems at once then things could become very chaotic. In Juhan's article he talks about forgetting what has happened in the past and thinking about what is going on now. This is good and bad. It is good to leave things behind in the past, but it also could be bad because there are many things from our past that were happy and if we think about them, then it could encourage or future.

For my list of virtues for the week some of the things I decided to do were try and minimize the amount of junk food that I eat. I tried to limit myself so I was not constantly picking up chips and candy. I also made myself go to the gym everyday of the week. Another problem i had was waiting until the last minute to do work. I tried to make myself finish everything in advance so i could relax at night.

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