Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Social Me

The song "complicated", by Avril Lavigne fits into our topic about the "social me". In the song she is explaining to a boy that he acts so much different when he is with other people. She does not understand why he has to put on an act and be a totally different person. This fits into the social me because when you are around certain people you feel that you have to act a certain way. When he is around her he can act normal, but around his friends and other people he is a completely different person. This song ties into Order and Chaos because you think that it might be easy to put on a different act for the different people you are with, but it can cause a lot of problems when the people who really know you see the differences that you have made. The people who know how you really act might not like the other you and it can ruin friendships or relationships.

Why do you have to go and make things so complicated?
I see the way you're
Acting like you're somebody else gets me frustrated
Life's like this, you
And you fall and you crawl
And you break and you take
What you get and you turn it into
Honesty Promise me I'm never gonna find you fake it

You come over unannounced
Dressed up like you're something else
Where you are and
Where you sat, you see
You're making me
Laugh out
When you strike a pose
Take off all your preppy clothes
You know
You're not fooling anyone

Lavigne, Avril. "Complicated." Let Go. 2002.


  1. I was also thinking about using Avril Lavigne in my blog. This is a really good example of the social me, and the way people change themselves to please others.
    I think that everyone does it, but sometimes they don't realize that they are doing it, which can create a lot of problems in their different relationships.

  2. I think that this song relates to how well an artist can express themselves through music.

  3. Yeah, I also think that this song clearly explains what "the social me" is like. He seems to be acting too much depending on the situation, which appears to be frustrating her. Everyone is supposed to act "the social me" to a certain extent, but like you said, too much acting could cause a lot of problems in terms of relationships.
